Page 19 - 2017 Annual Report
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        The APSA Research and Development Program collects, aggregates, and shares data on the political science
        profession. Our two primary instruments of data collection are the APSA Graduate Placement Survey, which solicits
        data from Directors of Graduate Studies about political science doctoral programs and political science job market
        candidates, and the APSA Departmental Survey, which collects program data from department chairs about political
        science curriculum, majors, and faculty. We also run specialized surveys for the Association and collaborate with
        members undertaking research on the profession in their own capacity as researchers.

        Research Publications
        In addition to publications for staff and APSA Council use, and for grant reporting purposes, publications on research
        on the profession are made available to the public and/or members.

        Research Dashboards
        In 2016-2017, APSA launched interactive data dashboards as a resource for learning more about organized sections
        and the membership at large. The APSA Membership Dashboard reveals insights into where members come from,
        highlights demographic information, and shows the variety of fields that members study. The APSA Organized
        Sections Dashboard outlines the demographic breakdown – including membership type, race/ethnicity, gender, age,
        and primary field of study – of each of APSA’s organized sections.

        Charts of the Month
        In addition to research dashboards and publications, each month APSA releases charts and infographics
        demonstrating data from APSA surveys on specific areas of undergraduate research on curriculum, enrollments in
        political science, political science degrees and salaries, and useful data on eJobs and APSA conferences.

        AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION 2017 ANNUAL REPORT                                                19
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