Organized Section 4: Best Poster Award
Public Policy Section Award Recipients 

Best Poster on Public Policy Award
The Best Poster on Public Policy Award is given for the best paper or poster presented at the poster session at the previous APSA meeting. This award carries a prize of $500.

2017  Philip Rocco, Marquette University
"The Politics of Trial and Error: Medicare Demonstrations and Policy Change."
2017  Andrew Kelly, Johns Hopkins University
"The Politics of Trial and Error: Medicare Demonstrations and Policy Change."
2016  Mallory SoRelle, Cornell University
“Information v. Ideology: Recognizing (Government) Benefits in the Submerged State”
2016  Delphia Shanks-Booth, Cornell University
“Information v. Ideology: Recognizing (Government) Benefits in the Submerged State”
2016  Alexander Bolton, Duke University
“Ideological Diversity and Policymaking in the United States”
2015  Ellen Donnelly, University of Pennsylvania
“In Pursuit of Racial Justice: Assessing the Politics and Consequences of Racial Disparity Reform in the U.S. Criminal Justice System.” 
2013 Nathan Mitchell, Prairie View A&M University
"U.S. State Soveringn Debt Restrictions in the 50 States"
2012 Jake Haselswerdt, George Washington University
Death and Tax Breaks: Comparing the Survival Rates of Tax Expenditures and Direct Spending Programs
2011 Lindsay Flynn, University of Virginia
"The Work-Family Tradeoff: How Some Countries are Managing Better than Others"