Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO)

The Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO) is an international organism of academic, regional and independent character created in 1957 by the Latin American and the Caribbean governements.  Today the academic units of FLACSO are present in ten countries of the region: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, and Dominican Republic. Its objectives are to promote the investigation, teaching, and technical cooperation in the field of social sciences.

FLACSO - Argentina
Website: www.flacso.org.ar/
Director: Miguel Lengyel, mlengyel@flacso.org.ar
Publications: http://flacso.org.ar/publicaciones/
Contact information: Salvador Leonardi, leonardi@flacso.org.ar

FLACSO - Chile
Website: http://www.flacsochile.org/
Director: Jose Jara, direccion@flacso.cl
Publications: http://www.flacsochile.org/biblioteca-virtual/
Contact information: flacso@flacso.cl, Tel. (+562) 290-0200

FLACSO - Costa Rica
Website: www.flacso.or.cr/
Director: Jorge Mora: jmora@flacso.or.cr
Publicatons: http://www.flacso.or.cr/index.php/publicaciones-jb-br-jb-i-labor-editorial-jb-i 
Contact information: tvargas@flacso.or.cr

FLACSO - Ecuador
Website: www.flacso.org.ec/
Director: Adrian Bonilla, abonilla@flacso.org.ec
Publications: www.flacso.org.ec/
Contact information: flacso@flacso.org.ec, Tel. (593 2) 3238888

FLACSO - El Salvador
Website: www.flacso.org.sv/
Publications: www.flacso.org.sv/?q=taxonomy/term/18
Contact information: www.flacso.org.sv/?q=contact

FLACSO - Guatemala
Website: www.flacso.edu.gt/
Director: Dr. Virgilio Álvarez
Publications: http://www.flacso.edu.gt/publicaciones/
Contact information: flacsoguate@flacso.edu.gt

FLACSO - Mexico
Website: www.flacso.edu.mx/
Director: Mtra. Giovanna Valenti Nigrini, gvalenti@flacso.edu.mx 
Publications: http://www.flacso.edu.mx/publicaciones/novedades 
Contact information: public@flacso.edu.mx, Tel. (52 55)3000 0251

FLACSO - Dominican Republic
Website: http://www.flacso.org.do/
General Secretary: Francisco Rojas Aravena, frojas@flacso.org
Publications: http://www.flacso.org.do/index.php/biblioteca 
Contact information: Raquel Torres Salinas, rtorres@flacso.org, Tel. (506) 2253-0082

FLACSO - Brazil
Website: www.flacso.org.br/
Director: Ayrton Fausto, ayrton@flacso.org.br
Publications: http://flacso.org.br/index.php?option=com_docman&Itemid=133 
Contact information: administra@flacso.org.br, Tel. (55+61) 3328-6341