Argentine Association of Political Analysis

Website: www.saap.org.ar/

The Argentine Association of Political Analysis (Sociedad Argentina de Analisis Politico in Spanish) supports and encourages cooperation in research and training among individual political scientists in Argentina and cross-nationally. It also helps to sustain and promote the activities of academic institutions and research centres in all sectors of political science.

Executive Committee (2008-2011):
President: Miguel De Luca (UBA)
Vice president: Silvia Robin (UNR)
Secretary General: Pablo Bulcourf (UNQ-UBA)
Treasurer: Gustavo Dufour (UdeSA-UBA)

Revista SAAP 
The Revista SAAP is the official journal of the Argentine Association of Political Analysis and publishes articles on all aspects of politics, independent of theoretical, empirical or methodological approach.   

Contact information:
Castex 3217,  Piso 1ero.
(CP 1425)
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
República Argentina
