Caucus for a New Political Science

The Caucus for a New Political Science is an organization of political scientists united by the idea that political science as an academic discipline should be committed to advancing progressive political development. The caucus plays an active role in the affairs of the American Political Science Association through it's role as the Organized Section for New Political Science. The caucus/section publishes a journal, New Political Science. As an APSA section, the association organizes a group of panels for each annual meeting, often in cooperation with other organized sections. Members of the APSA may join the section and thus the caucus when they pay their annual association dues.

Officers (2017-18):
Chair: Nancy S. Love, Appalachian State University, lovens@appstate.edu

Secretary:Sarah M. Surak, Salisbury University, SMSURAK@salisbury.edu

Treasurer: Clyde W. Barrow, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley clyde.barrow@utrgv.edu

2018 Program Chair: Alix L. Olson, University of Massachusetts, Amherst alolson@polsci.umass.edu

Caucus Representatives:
Daniel O’Connor, California State University, Long Beach
Claire Snyder-Hall, Independent Scholar

New Political Science: The Journal
Co-Editors: Nancy S. Love, lovens@appstate.edu; Mark Mattern, mmattern@bw.edu