1986 Award Recipients
Political Organizations and Parties

Jack Walker Award
The Jack Walker Award recognizes an article published in the last two calendar years that makes an outstanding contribution to research and scholarship on political organizations and parties.


Joseph Schlesinger
"On the Theory of Party Organization" (Journal of Politics, 46 (2), 1984)

Leon Epstein Outstanding Book Award
The Leon Epstein Outstanding Book Award recognizes a book published in the last two calendar years that made an outstanding contribution to research and scholarship on political organizations and parties.

  Leon Epstein, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Political Parties in Western Democracies (Transaction Pub: Reissue edition, January 1993)

Samuel Eldersveld Career Achievement Award
The Samuel Eldersveld Career Achievement Award recognizes a scholar whose lifetime professional work has made an outstanding contribution to the field.

  Samuel Eldersveld, University of Michigan
Career Achievement Award